ZoneZero and the learning experience
ZoneZero y la enseñanza de la fotografía

These emails are in either english or spanish depending on where they were sent from.

Los correos vienen en ingles o en español dependiendo de donde nos fueron enviados.

From: "Marijke Du Toit"
Date: Wed Oct 2, 2002 9:30:20 AM America/Mexico_City
To: <>
Subject: student responses to your editorials

Dear Pedro

I would like to let you know that my class of second year students are due to respond to some of your Zonezero editorials in the next few days. In fact, their assignment is due on Monday next. This is part of a larger assignment that requires of each students to complete a related set of tasks - set out for them on So - hopefully they will be thoughtful and reasonably informed comments, although these are fairly young students and beginners in this field. The thrust of the course is to place contemporary debate about digital images within a longer history of photography, as is evident from the course website.

They would obviously be thrilled to have a reply from you in the next couple of weeks. They have been told to write fairly short but well formulated and carefully considered responses that reflect their wider reading, and that may provide a URL to webpages that present their own (beginners!) work in photoshop experimenting with the possibilities of altering photographs, on which they are also required to comment.

The course has already asked them to think about what it means to read an image, the ways in which 'pre-digital' photography involved framing and a range of other decisions by photographers, and presenting them with contrasting arguments re the potential or problematic of digital imagery for photojournalism and social documentary. I showed them examples of concious politically motivated editing out of people from photographs in 1930s Russia (The Commissar Vanishes - stalinist Russia)and they have readings about similar USA photo manipulations.

We also considered the playfulness of some Indian popular photography which disregards conventional notions of realism for studio photos, applies ink and paint to photo's in a avariety of ways and wedding collage-type pictures and brings home the extent to which a range of 'manipulations' s predate photoshop. They really enjoyed looking at the photos from Truth and Fictions, especially as they were also busy with Photoshop workshops and learning various techniques of how to combine different photos etc.

After this assignment, their larger research assignment starts and hopefully they'll be finding out and writing interesting things about local (South African) image alteration past and present and about photo's on the net.

warm regards,


From: jguadalupe perez
Date: Wed Apr 2, 2003 2:18:29 PM America/Mexico_City
Subject: de cd juarez

Sr Meyer.

En la actualidad me encuentro sando un taller sobre foto digital en la Universidad Autono de Cd. Juarez, materia que en la actualidad se mentiene como una de tantas optativas que aparecen y desaparecen del panorama academico de esta intitucion.

Debo deciros que en lo que va del curso, el portal de zonezero -articulos, la misma galeria, los editoriales, etc. se han constituido en un punto de referencia obligado para mi y para los alumnos que se inscribieron en el taller. Entre otras cosas por que ahi hemos hallado el espejo en el cual observar los alcances, las limitaciones, los aciertos y los errores que pueden hallarse en cuanto se trabaja con una imagen digital. Ya que si bien la alteracion digital de las imagenes se halla a la vuelta de la esquina mayormente en cuanto a la foto comercial se refiere, hacia falta ese punto de referencia en donde la imagen digital pudiera ser apreciada a otros niveles, tal vez artisticos, tal vez que sirvan para el analisis y la discusion academica.

El asunto es que nos preguntabamos si podriamos enviarle algunos de los trabajos, no con el fin de que sean exhibidos en las galerias -amen de que el curso aun no concluye- sino para que pudiera ofrecernos algun comentario u observacion y tener asi digamos el diagnostico de una voz autorizada en la materia.

Me despido no sin antes felicitarle por ese gran portal para la foto digital que es zonezero.


JGuadalupe Perez / Fotografo freelance
Cd.Juarez,Chihuahua, Mexico, Tierra de luz.


From: "Bob Wollheim"
Date: Thu Sep 26, 2002 6:22:39 PM America/Mexico_City
To: <>
Subject: From Brazil
Dear Pedro,

I was introduced to ZoneZero by my photography master - Marcelo Greco - in Brazil and, since then, I can not log out from ZZ.

I have found many many interesting things at ZZ and I am using it as reference in our local blog (where we share our work, thoughts and learning with Marcelo).

From portfolios to Gallery, not forgetting your articles that make us reflect about photography and about life.

The "The poetry of an image" touched me specially once I am studying Bresson and the Zen Archer and your points of view made me open my mind even further.

Just pasted it in our blog so we discuss it.

Keep up with the bright work. Anything needed from Brazil, let me know,

Bob Wollheim


From:Lorena "Coutiño"
Date:Sun, 30 Mar 2003 17:19:33
Subject: Hola, quisiera registrarme en la lista de correos de ZoneZero.

Estudio Comunicacion en la Universidad Iberoamericana de la ciudad de MÈxico y estoy haciendo un trabajo para titularme sobre la fotografia an·loga y la digital en relacion a la realidad fÌsica. He encontrado mucho material que me ha servido en esta pagina de Internet, obviamente todo lo he usado citando las fuentes.


From: Leigh Kane
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 14:08:11 -0400
Subject: Zonezero as our course "text book"

Dear Pedro, I am glad to read that you are recovering and back to filling Zonezero with all of the thoughtful and amusing insights those of us who read it expect to find there. I teach at Kutztown University, in rural Pennsylvania. Last semester on my suggestion, Prof. Cheryl Agulnick brought your work to our campus, much to the delight of my photography students. We had wonderful discussions about the work and you kindly replied to their questions, which made them feel important and connected to the world of art, in ways it is sometimes hard to feel out here, living as we do, among the cornfields.

Since their experience with your work was so positive, and since I always enjoy what I find on your site, I've decided to use Zonezero as the official "textbook" for my advanced photo class. Each semester, I usually have a mini-seminar in the large studio class, where we read a book, look at some images, think and talk a bit. We've used a German/English catalog, "Conceptual Photography" one semester; Robert Coles book, "Doing Documentary Work;" "The Body and the Lens;" and several others. Most of the students enjoy it, and it surely helps move them beyond the myth of the artist as mute, naif, visionary.

Because this is a state institution, many of the students have trouble reading and writing, making theory quite a stretch for them. But I want them to encounter ideas!! So I decided your website would an excellent source of ideas and images, and would help nudge people along toward digital image-making. (I am working very hard to move us out of the 19th century and into the 21st. But there is not much money and my colleagues are scared that what they do will become irrelevant, or that students will not longer enroll in their classes. It has been an uphill battle the past four years, but we are finally making some headway. The first Digital Photography class in Fine Art was offered last term.) Now I have students in the Photo Studio who are beginning to think about these issues. I am looking forward to exploring Zonezero as a teaching tool. Although I have plenty of ideas about how to approach this, I wonder if you care to throw in your two cents about how to use Zonezero as a tool in a photo class.

Best wishes for your continued recovery, Leigh Kane

Leigh Kane, Assistant Professor of Art
Department of Fine Arts, Kutztown University
Kutztown, PA


Mi nombre es Susana Pastor.

Soy fotografa y  profesora de tres cursos de fotografia en la Facultad de Ciencias y Artes de la Comunicacion de la Universidad Catolica del Peru (en Lima):

-Fotografia Periodistica
-Fotografia Documental

Mi formacion es de Comunicadora Social. He trabajado en cine, fotografia y la docencia.

8 años en el Grupo Chaski (un colectivo de cine ), 3 años en Tafos (Talleres de Fotografia Social). Hasta el 2001 enseñe fotografia en la facultad de Comunicaciones de la Univesidad de Lima. Desde 1998 en la Universidad Catolica. No soy muy vieja pero ya tengo mis años (naci  en el 56)

Siempre visito su pagina y es de lectura obligada para mis alumnos. Es mas, es parte de la bibliografia en los silabos de mis cursos.

Es muy interesante, variada, agil, facil de navegar y sobre todo con version en español.

Aqui en el Peru hay poca bibliografia fotografica (sobre todo en el tema periodistico y documental) y esa es una de las razones por la cual encuentro Zonzero como FUNDAMENTAL.

Un saludo desde Lima
Susana Pastor.


From: Jan Arabas
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 02:13:37 -0400
To: <>
Subject: permission

I am a Professor of Art and Graphic Design at Middlesex Community College in Massachusetts, USA. I am developing a course on the history of visual images on the World Wide Web. One of my lectures features your Web site.

You may read my lecture at

Click on Week 6 and scroll down the page.

This course will be part of the University of Massachusetts eLearning Network, an online division of the state university system.

I would be very interested to get your reactions to my lecture. I would also like to request your permission to archive the pages of your Web site that I discuss in my lecture. The archived pages would be placed on a password protected server at my college and would only be available to registered students. Because this course is a history of the Web, I feel that it is important to preserve the pages that I discuss in my lecture. Your site is an important part of Web history and I very much hope that you will allow me to preserve a portion of it as I have described.

Please contact me with any questions that you may have at my email address.

Thank you
Jan Arabas
Professor of Art
Middlesex Community College


From: Rubén Ramírez
Date: Wed Sep 25, 2002 12:31:54 PM America/Mexico_City
Subject: Saludos

Saludos Pedro,

Te cuento que estoy utilizando a zonezero como fuente de consulta para mis alumnos y les encanta, hemos armado interesantes debates en clase.

A propósito, me gusto mucho el artículo acerca de la fotografía documental en la sección magazine de zonezero.

Bueno, saludos Pedro, espero que todo vaya bien por allá.

Universidad San Francisco de Quito


Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 20:26:32 EST
Subject: Note to Mr. Pedro Meyer

Good afternoon Mr. Meyer:

I am currently taking a Culture, Technology and Art class which is offered at Santa Rosa Junior College located in Northern California. The class is being taught by whom I believe you know, Ms. Judith Thorn. Ms. Thorn has introduced some of your work to us, i.e., your website, and your c.d., "Truth & Fiction." I have taken the opportunity to visit your website and find your work incredible. It is a website that I could easily spend hours exploring. I also found "Truth & Fiction" to be equally impressive. I appreciate your intention of using your art to 'stir up our spirit, emotion, political and social consciousness.


Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 23:30:26 EST
Subject: Cafe Bolivar & Galeria

Queridos amigos, congratulation!

ZoneZero es mi site favorito por favor incluyanme en su mailing list mi nombre es Jose H Carvajal, soy un estudiante de fotografia en la ciudad de California ademas tengo un centro cultural que habrio sus puertas al publico el 10 de Diciembre nuestra meta es dar a conocer valores latinoamericanos, ya sea artes platicas, fotografia analoga o digital, musica y poesia.

Me gustaria tenerlos como mentors de este proyecto ya que soy de poca experiencia.

jose carvajal


From: Icons Ltd
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 09:58:47 +0200
To: <>
Subject: Registration

Seeing as how I've been a regular visitor to the ZoneZero site for the past couple of years , I think it's time to register. The impetus to do so has come from your 200220022002 project. It got me thinking again about the aspect of the global community. How a specific focal point, be it a theme, a belief or a joint passion, brings unrelated and unconnected people together for a moment in time or a to a point in space.

The power of the web, though by no means unique in this respect, has contributed greatly to the possibilities inherent in the global community spirit.

The 2002,2002,2002 project which you initiated, is a prime example. It uses the unifying aspect of time, a specific moment in history, the unifying aspect of a common passion, photography, and the unifying aspect of the web.

As such its power and importance is in its very existence, quite irrespective of the quality of image displayed (many of which are beautiful and thought provoking).

It is also very interesting to notice and analyze the different types of images and themes which reflect on the societies in which they were taken. As an Israeli I noticed immediately that both I and the other Israeli photographer who participated (so far), chose to photograph the news on the television (even though we focused on shots separated by a moment or so).

News and current events are so central to our lives that most of us watch or listen to the news at least several times a day, especially in times like these.

As a lecturer in Multimedia and Digital Photography at the Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design, Jerusalem, I follow your site closely. It is on the top of my list of recommended photography sites for my students and serves an important function in the perpetuation of the love for the craft and its potential.

It would be great if you could initiate or at least support some global projects for students of photography over the world. Points for global comparison and discussion. If this sound acceptable, I for one would be happy to contribute and help.

Moshe Caine


From: "Itzel Aguilera González"
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 18:16:19 -0600
To: <>
Subject: quiero registrarme y recibir información de Zonezero

Hola Perdro Meyer:

Permítame primero felicitarlo por el desarrollo que se ha mantenido en esta revista virtual y por mantener siempre fresca esta página.
Solo que no he podido revisar todos los artículos anteriores que se han publicado acerca de la fotografía documental y la fotografía digital, ni las discusiones que se han suscitado al respecto, así que quisiera saber si puedo acceder a ellos com una forma de consulta a su documentación...

Soy Itzel Aguilera, fotógrafa. Acabo de terminar un doctorado en Barcelona y estoy de regreso en México inicio mi tesis, el proceso en el que estoy ahora es el de documentarme lo más y mejor posible. Mi tema de tesis está situado en la dicotomía documental/digital de la fotografía.
Específicamente me interesa estudiar todo lo que hay desde la foto documental hasta el proyecto documental todo esto dentro del arte contemporáneo que se hace desde la década de los noventa hasta lo que vemos actualmente o propósito de las nuevas tecnologías.

Me interesa muchísimo además contactar con Usted y de ser posible en un futuro que fuera posible que usted me respondiera algunas preguntas a manera de entrevista formal como base y apoyo de mi tesis.

Los cuatro fotógrafos que me interesan sobre todo para destacar el carácter documental de la fotografía son Eugene Smith, Robert Frank, Alfredo Jaar y Pedro Meyer.

En fin, le agradezco infinitamente su atención y espero una respuesta a esta petición.

Itzel Aguilera


From: Roy Flukinger
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 09:19:48 -0600
Subject: Re: ZoneZero News Bulletin

Dear Pedro,

I figure I have owed you a fan letter for some time now.

Thank you for ZoneZero, which we have been pleased to receive since its inception. Students and researchers who have accessed it here from the Center have also been very enthusiastic about its many issues and insights.

This month's contents have been no different. From the excellence of your editorial and Mraz's piece on Alvarez Bravo to the sad idiocy of the Wigoder essay, your contents are always illuminating and well worth the read. Pray continue with such excellence.

And if the resources of our Collection may be of future assistance to you please do not hesitate to let us know

Sincerely yours,
Roy L. Flukinger
Senior Curator of Photography & Cinema
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
Box # 7219, The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78713


From: Lily Diaz
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 11:58:53 +0200
Subject: New work for consideration

Estimado Pedro Meyer:

Soy artista y diseñadora y trabajo como instructora en el Media Lab de la Universidad de Arte y Diseño de Helsinki Finlandia.

A través de los años he leído con entusiasmo las editoriales y artículos de su revista Zone Zero. En muchas ocasiones me he servido de este magazín electrónico para mantener al tanto a mis estudiantes y colegas sobre la calidad del trabajo de los artistas de orígen Latinoamericano.

Por la presente, me gustaría recomendarle a Ud. el trabajo de Tania Jimena Rodríguez. Tania es una diseñadora mexicana que acaba de completar sus estudios en nuestra universidad. Habiendo obtenido altas calificaciones, el departamento de diseño gráfico otorgó a Tania un premio especial por su labor realizada en el trabajo para el grado de maestría: "The Metaphorical Clock, Towards a Visualization of Michel Foucalt's Concept of the Episteme".

En dicho trabajo, realizado en formato impreso y también como una aplicación en el Internet, Tania utiliza el diseño gráfico, la fotografía, y las nueva tecnologías con el fin de hacer visible dicho concepto filosófico. Entre las fotografías utilizadas, se encuentran las suyas propias y además multiples fotografías de la reconocida revista italiana Colors, cuyo permiso Tania obtuvo.

El trabajo se encuentra accesible al público en la siguiente URL:


Aunque este ni es un trabajo simple, ni fácil de entender, creo que contiene unas ideas profundas las cuales se manifiestan no en la palabra escrita sino a travéz del uso, en combinación, de los distintos medios, como la fotografía. Por tanto, creo que pueda ser de interés tanto para Ud. como para los lectores de Zone Zero.

Sin ningún otro particular, me despido deseándole un féliz y próspero 2002.

Lily Díaz
Lily Díaz
Media Lab
University of Art and Design Helsinki/UIAH


From: Tony Bridge
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 23:04:40 +1300
Subject: My website


You may remember we spoke ( E-spoke? ) some time ago about young people and technology, when I was wearing my other hat as a photography teacher. Well you were right and I was wrong. This last year has seen a huge change o the part of my students, who have(mostly) grabbed hold of digital and run with it. The blocks in the road have been all mine...

but you know what they say-the worst kind of smoker is an ex-smoker.. and I have jumped onto the bandwagon.

A story..I have just finished a project photographing the young night life of our city, pushing the envelope as far as I could. I used an hybrid technology, shooting on pushed 800 ISO neg and using a film scanner, then outputting through a Fuji frontier....What was interesting was that the scanner/P-Shop approach gave me far more control technically than I would ever have had using a wet darkroom...

But the project came to an end as I pushed conventional technology and documentary approaches as far as I could.

And still I had not reached the point where i was dealing with what was important to me, namely being able to depict the other that I saw around me, the sense of an alternate and somewhat bizarre reality that lies beyond....the life of the city

Then a friend turned up on my birthday with your book Truths and Fictions, and in your work and that wonderful essay by Joan Fontcuberta, I began to grasp a new way of thinking, and to realise what a profound shaking I was now there is a way to put feathers on buildings, and to document my own reality( which, in spite of my trying to be objective and cheat reality and Heisenberg I was doing anyway).

Anyway, to the point of this Email. I have just built a website for myself, and in it I have included a reference to ZoneZero. I hope you will not mind. Perhaps if you have time you would check it and, if you take issue, i will change anything to which you take exception.

The link is

Kind regards
Tony Bridge


From: "Maria Aguirre"
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 21:49:28 -0500
To: <>
Subject: "html version"


soy una argentina viviendo y trabajando en The School of the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston.

Soy la persona encargada del funcionamiento e impresion de un Iris Printer 3047G con tintas American Pinnacle.

Hace un par de meses que vengo chequeando vuestro website y creo que es uno de los mejores, y el respeto y seriedad por el trabajo de otros.

Felicitaciones y espero recibir sus email pronto.

Muchisimas gracias
Maria Aguirre


From: "nora luzzi"
Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2001 04:49:54 +0000
Subject: recibir informacion

Acabo de conocerlos, me interesaria recibir todo lo que sea informativo soy argentina, restauradora de obras de arte y artesana, docente y responsable del taller de restauracion del museo legislativo de la CAMARA DE DIPUTADOS DEL CONGRESO DE LA NACION, ARGENTINA, ME INTERESA TODO LO RELACIONADO C CURSOS BECAS INTERCAMBIO DE CONOCIMIENTOS, ESTOY A SU DISPOSICION.



From: Robert Hewitt
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 16:59:03 +0000
To: <>
Subject: ZoneZero in HTML-ENGLISH

Greetings from Hong Kong, Pedro.

I teach photography at Hong Kong International School (US based) and have recently gotten approval to offer a course titled" Documentary Photography" next year. This will be a challenge as I see it as a project-based course for students that I see on average 4 days a week for 50 minutes per class with one double class in our 6 day rotation schedule (Confused? So are most of us the first few weeks of the school year!).

Plus, most of our students are driven to gain admission to prestigious universities in the US, & so we (Art Dept) have to battle for their priorities. In any event, I see "ZoneZero" as being a primary resource "text" for the students, and while we will use film (at this point) as the primary source of the image, the school is wired & has an active intranet web page, so I'm hoping to be able to successfully converge digital & silver technologies in my classes. We started this in our Intro. class with pinhole cameras where we made paper negatives and then scanned & reversed them in the computer. There is a high WOW factor in that lesson! The limitations are in the computer/scanners available to us & the idiosyncrasies of our network. But when I arrived at the school 5 years ago, most of us knew very little of what we take for granted today. But this is a long-winded way of saying that your efforts are very much appreciated and I look forward to ZoneZero every month. Keep up the good work!

Bob Hewitt
Fine Arts Instructor
Hong Kong International SchoolF


From: "Eva Abril"
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 03:38:32 +0100
To: <>
Subject: registro

Hola soy una fotógrafa Madrileña que acabo de licenciarme en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en la especialidad Artes de la Imagen, comienzo ahora mi primer curso de Doctorado en la anterior Facultad mencionada y colaboro como ayudante de la asignatura Fotografía II en el departamento de Dibujo II ( diseño e imagen).

Su página me parece muy buena y me alegro de descubrirla puesto que era lo que estaba buscando.

Un saludo,
Eva Abril


From: zuhal özel
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 16:17:31 +0200
To: <>
Subject: digital photography and redifining documentary photography

Dear Pedro MEYER,

I'm a research asistant in photography fields at Ege University, Faculty of Communication, Photography Department in I©˜zmir, Turkey.

I have been working on "Digital Photography" for a year as a doctoral student. The subject of my doctoral thesis is "Digital Photography and Redifining Documentary Photography".

When I was surfing in net, I found I start to visit zonezero frequently. I interest in your works and opinions and like them very much. I visit some pages in your site, but editorial pages are very important for me. I read them with very big interest, but I didn't read all yet. I have been translating to Turkish some of them for citation in my doctorate thesis, for instance "Redifinig documentary photograpy", "La Realidad" in the year 2000.

I asked for "Truths&Fictions" from library of Bilkent Univesity where from I am waiting for your book and CD curiously.

I would like to keep going on my thesis with your suggestions in the future. Could it be possible to help me on this subject? How can I find any further knowledge in this subject? And, Do you know someone else working on digital photography or redifining documentary photograhy?

If you support me for this information I'll appreciate it.

Thanks in advance
Zuhal Özel
Ege University
Communication Faculty
Photography Department


From: Julie
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 17:04:29 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: register


Soy estudiante de doctorado en ciencias y tecnicas de fotografia y multimedia en la Universidad Paris VIII en Francia, tengo 24 anos. Me encontre con su trabajo en un taller de edicion electronica en el cual el profesor nos enseno su CDrom. Me gusta mucho su trabajo y la manera que tiene de hablar de esto, como ensena la realizacion tecnica, y las ideas que tiene de la foto mezclada, o no con el digital, ademas me hicieron reir mucho las cartas escritas por los artistas.

Despues fui a mirar su website y claro que me encanta, me gusta como esta hecho, por su frescura y su funcionamiento sencillo. Me parece muy bien la idea de que se pueda exponer asi, y la apertura a gente de todos lados.

Voy a mandar tanbien unos trabajos en poco tiempo, trabajo con la foto y uso el digital para variar los puntos de vista y trabajar en el tiempo.

Me gustaria estar al dia de las actividades que realizan.

Ha sido grato encontrar su trabajo y siga adelante con animo.

Julie Guiches


From: "jcholt5"
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 16:05:17 -0400
To: <>
Subject: Just saying thanks....

For several years I have been a teacher of college-level photography. Some years ago, I was asked to design an online credit course for a New Jersey college and some 350 students have now completed that course. I and they have learned much about craft and technology.

Lately I've been giving some thought to encouraging students to begin to tell stories with their pictures. Then I found your site. I guessed, nearly three hours have passed now as I've wondered about. I've thoroughly enjoyed what you have to offer and can humbly say that the design and level of interaction is outstanding. Could you better acquaint me with how you might consider working with an educator and some students who would be interested in telling their stories with pictures?

Many thanks as I look forward to hearing from you.

Jerry C. Holt


From: "ailin pal"
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 10:20:34 +0800
Subject: register me pls


my name's ai lin and i'm from singapore. just picked up photography three months back. love it even though my skills aren't fantastic. was introduced to by my lecturer, dr shyam tekwani.

pls register me! n keep up the great work on this site! thanks lots!


From: "gonzalo vargas"
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 13:59:06 -0500
Subject: Quiero registrarme.


Mi nombre es Gonzalo Vargas y soy estudiante de fotografía en Quito, hace ya un año que semanalmente entro a la pagina en busca de nuevas exposiciones, o a visitar las viejas, me encanta esta pagina, en mi opinión es lo mejor que existe en la red, te permite visitar exposiciones o conocer fotografos que normalmente no podria visitar.

quisiera registrarme, mi dirección electronica es

me despido, esperando que pronto tenga alguna respuesta.

Gracias y suerte,


From: Jeff Ashbaugh
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 19:56:51 -0600
Subject: Register


I like your goal's and willingness to open a space for a wonderful variety of artists. I am impressed with the look and clean feel of your site and showing the multiple languages next to one another is an excellent choice. In the near future I would be honored to add my imagery to your portfolio section. I have completed associates degrees in communication/broadcasting and fine art photography. I am now a junior at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, in the BFA photography program. I work with all types of media: digital, digital and conventional mix, silver & color, video, and enjoy altered imagery by a variety of media and methods.

I would like to be placed on your mailing list. Thank you.

Jeff Ashbaugh


From: Roderick Robertson
Organization: Saint Mary's University
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 21:35:53 -0600

Subject: register me!

Please place me on your list.

This is truely a fantasitc WEBsite. The BEST I have seen on the net!

I use it with all of my photo and digital design classes.

I will be sending a portfolio later.

Roderick Robertson MFA
Chair: Art and Design Department
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota.


From: Q Arts
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 12:28:17 +0000
Subject: registration


I am from Q-Arts ( participatory arts organisation based in Derby (UK), we work with individuals and community groups on the production of artworks from concrete sculptures to interactive multimedia pieces. I would appreciate it if you could place us on your mailing list.



Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 13:47:12 GMT
Subject: Registro

Hola a todos

Soy profesor de fotografía en España y también fotógrafo ( y además me gusta ). El atractivo visual de la revista en Internet, así como sus inteligentes comentarios y la selección de las imágenes , me animan a solicitar que se incluya mi dirección en vuestros archivos para así poder recibir la revista con periodicidad.

Gracias por la pasión, interés y buen hacer que demostrais


From: "Judi Brennan"
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 08:36:24 -0500
Subject: I am writing with a request, if I may.

While I am aware of the educational use exemption, I nonetheless would like you to know and permit me to use "Is she now mine", an editorial from June, 1998, for a class I am teaching on artistic integrity, the advent of new technologies, and current copyright law. I think Pedro Meyer - as an artist and realist - laid out the issues in a brilliant fashion. I would like my students to benefit from his insightful comments and qualifications.

My thanks for your time and effort - Judi Brennan


From: Rubén Romano
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 23:46:48 -0300
Subject: deseo registrarme

Sr. Meyer:

ZoneZero me parece el mejor espacio dedicado a la fotografía. He navegado bastante buscando sitios relacionados con el tema, y sin dudas me parece el mejor. Antes de tener acceso a internet yo ya había recibido elogiosos comentarios sobre este sitio. Me interesa muchísimo la fotografía documental y el retrato. Tengo aquí en la ciudad de La PLata (Buenos Aires) - Argentina, una escuela de fotografía con numerosos alumnos ( este año la matrícula fue de 420 alumnos) y continuamente recibo pedidos de ellos sobre sitios de internet que resulten interesantes. ZoneZero es lo primero que recomiendo, sobre todo por la gran diversidad temática que abarca y el alto nivel del discurso teórico.

Rubén Romano
Fotógrafo - Docente


From: Keith Houk
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 14:05:56 -0600
Subject: Mailing List

Please add me to your mailing list.

I am currently in the M.F.A. program at the University of Houston and just discovered your site. I'm doing research on web pages that have extensive photography galleries. I can't believe it took me so long to find your site. It is incredible. I was also pleasantly surprised to find articles on one of my professors, Bill Thomas, on your page.

I'd love to be kept abreast of the latest developments and additions to zonezero.

Keith Houk


From: "Joanna Sullivan"
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:24:43 -0800
Subject: Re: email list


I am working in the Department of Photographs as a staff assistant...doing whatever it is they (the curators) need me to do, whever they need me to do it. I help with the organization of exhibition materials, correspondence with visitors, coordinating the study room and materials, just about anything. It's a good job in what I consider to be the best department at the Getty.

I have heard quite a bit about ZoneZero, starting with a visit to my college (Scripps) by one of the women in your organization-I can't remember her name. It was for a seminar/lecture series about women curators. I occasionally stop by the website for personal and work related info, and have found it to be very informative and quite often inspiring. I am quite interested in the photographic work coming out of South and Central America, especially when it deals with the intersection of gender, sexuality and geographic location. Does that make sense? I am also quite compelled by the growing use of digital phtography, even though I choose to stick with my good old Pentax 35mm. For these reasons, your site is an asset in for both technical and purely visual information.

I look forward to the emails.

With best wishes,
Joanna Sullivan


From: "Claudio Jara"
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 22:08:12 -0600
Subject: registro

Señores Zonezero:

Felicitaciones por su revista, soy fotografo chileno además de profesor de fotografía por lo tanto su revista para mi es de gran utilidad, hace pocas semanas la descubrí y fué un acierto, agradecido quedaré de ser registrado por uds. como lector y receptor de información.



From: "Annette Wolf Bensen"
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 10:27:09 -0400
Subject: thanks

Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed going through your site. I teach at New York City Technical College after being in this industry for over 40 years.

The class I teach is a Foundations class for Graphic Arts. My student are both in the production end of graphics (printing) and the creative. In my class we touch on every facet of the industry. Needless to say that photography (both conventional and digital) is part of the class.

I will be giving all the students the address of your site as a reference in the handouts and want to make sure that this is ok.

Thanks again
Annette Wolf Bensen


From: s u t e r
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 10:46:06 -0600
To: pedro meyer
Subject: Comentario

Pedro, solo para comentarte que desde hace algunas semanas (par de meses) estoy trabajando en la Universidad de Morelos con los chavos de la carrera de Artes Visuales. Tengo un taller de multimedia y tu página nos ha servido muchísimo para iniciarlos en el rollo de la foto y la imagen digital.

Seguimos trabajando sobre ella, revisándola, etc. etc. etc.

Te mando un saludo afectuoso,


From: "Ian McNee"
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 16:15:38 +0100
Subject: Joining ZoneZero Mailing List

Hello Zone Zero

I'm an undergraduate phototography student at Wolverhampton University in the UK. I have an interest in developments in documentary photography and the politics of photography and the production of art in general. A tutor suggested I check out your web site and what I've seen so far is interesting so I's like to be added to your mailing list.


Ian McNee
BA Photography, Year 2
Wolverhampton University.


Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 13:19:27 BST
Subject: Registration

Hello Zonezero,

My name is Paul and I am a studying BA Honours degree in photography at Stockport College in Greater Manchester, England. I'm currently in my final year and writing my dissertation on the implication to photography with the advent of the digital era. While researching I found yourselves. I find your web site very useful in my quest and if you may have any extra possible input that would help my research I would be extremely grateful as its quite hard to find info on this subject as its such a new issue not many people have written books on it. Anyway i'm off to research some more,

many thank, Paul


From: "Shyam Tekwani (Asst Prof)"
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 19:50:32 +0800
To: "''"
Subject: Registration

Please include me in your mailing list.


Shyam TekwaniShyam Tekwani
Assistant Professor
Nanyang Technological University
School of Communication Studies
Division of Journalism and Publishing
Nanyang Link


From: Ramón Esparza
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 19:17:37 +0200
Subject: suscripción

Estimados sres:

Me gustaría tener mi dirección de correo electrónico incluída en su lista de distribución. Soy profesor de Historia y Estética de la Fotografía en la Universidad del País Vasco y, por lo tanto, tengo razones de peso para interesarme por su foro de debate.

Ramón Esparza
Ramón Esparza
Rampas de Uribitarte, 1-4©∫ D.D.
E-48001 BILBAO (Spain)


From: taller de fotografía
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 01:04:10 -0300
Subject: Registro


Les escribo con el fin de que me incluyan en sus listas de envíos, ya que me pareció por demás interesante vuestro sitio.

Me parece que si bien la red contiene gran información sobre la fotografía, es difícil encontrar espacios tan abiertos y con contenidos como los que ZONEZERO ofrece. lo digo, ya que soy un asiduo visitante de sites de fotografía, ya que desde hace casi 8 años me dedico a dictar cursos y talleres de fotografía en Buenos Aires Argentina, con la intención de mostrar a mis alumnos imágenes diferentes, imágenes hechas mas allá de una técnica fotográfica determinada, pero si logradas a través de las sensaciones y de expresar desde ellas todo lo que uno puede dar.

Realmente me aburren un poco la mayoría de las muestras fotográficas que se realizan en mi país, a nivel fotoclub o escuela de fotografía, ya que estas me parecen demasiado light, sin contenido y con un bajo contenido de compromiso con la imagen. Por lo que decidí mostrar a mis alumnos contenidos de algunos sites de Internet, y o sorpresa, me encuentro que en la mayoría de las paginas de la red, salvo aquellas referidas a los indiscutibles grandes maestros, todas ofrecen mas de lo mismo.

Por tal motivo al encontrarme con ZONEZERO, pude ver que era posible dar con un sitio en español, que representara la fotografía que intento enseñar.

Les envío mis datos y la dirección electrónica de mi taller de fotografía, para que me remitan sus novedades y la información que suelen enviar, para seguir conectado con Uds. además, próximamente les enviare algunas fotos para publicar en vuestra galería.

Les agradezco el respeto por la fotografía y les pido que sigan adelante con su trabajo, que me resulta de una excelente calidad.


Serrano 895 PB
1414 Buenos Aires


From: Tracey-lee Stevenson
Organization: UTS HSS Faculty Research Office
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:27:41 +1000
Subject: Thanks

My email is

and your site has been used as an example in a web authoring class.

It's beautiful, the first time I've ever really used the web for pleasure.
I'll be back. And will tell friends.

Thanks so much for a beautiful site.
Martha Ansara


From: Astrid Mc Millan
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 16:46:45 -0400

Hola soy Astrid Mc Millan, vivo en Chile y quiero recibir información periodica de Uds.

Estoy estudiando Fotografía y Uds. han sido una fuente importante de información para mis investigaciones..

Hice un trabajo sobre Mariana Yampolsky y fue muy util la pagina con su trabajo.


Me gusta mucho ZoneZero


From: "Elamar"
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 14:09:56 +0300
Subject: submissions from Israel

i would like to submit some work for the section entitled galleries. I am a teacher of social documentary photography at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem and I want to tell you that I often refer my students to your web site for sometime time now. As well, I would be proud to have some of my work there.

please contact me at:

thank you kindly,
hally Pancer.


From: María Teresa Hita Aguilar
Organization: INEGI
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 10:50:24 -0600
Subject: Ciberhabitat

Visité su página y me gustó mucho, estoy en el equipo que desarrolla una página de Internet llamada Ciberhabitat, Ciudad de la Informática, sitio educativo sobre esa materia.


Lic. María Teresa Hita Aguilar
Subdirección de Diseño y Operación
Museo de la Informática


From: "Carlos Mario Marquez"
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 12:24:35 -0500
Subject: inscripcion el salvador

hola mi nombre es Edgar Romero, soy fotografo y dirigo una agencia alternativa de fotografia en El Salvador, Imagenes libres.

tengo dias de seguirles la pistas muchas de sus discusiones la he ocupado para dar clases en la universidad Centro Americana UCA en la catedra de imagen es un gran producto.

Edgar Romero


From: (Center for Photographic Art)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 11:18:34 -0700
To: pedro meyer
Subject: Re: ZoneZero news/april 2000

Dear Pedro,

Regretfully I requested to be removed from ZoneZero news. I have been inundated with mail that does not pertain to the Center. I am afraid I inadvertently included you in that message. Please accept my apologies, and yes, please continue to send us your news.

Bobbie Wolcott
Assistant to the Director.


From: "matilde huerta"
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:52:34 +0200
Subject: Matilde huerta se registra


Mi nombre es Matilde Huerta. Soy profesora de fotografía en la Escuela de Arte de Oviedo, en Asturias (España). He llegado a su página buscando imformación sobre Pedro Meyer, fotógrafo que me parece superinteresante, y del cual me declaro admiradora.

ZoneZero me parece una iniciativa valiente y necesaria para un panorama de la foto en Latinoamérica. Me parece estupendo, además, que esté también en Español.

Gracias por su página y muchos saludos desde Asturias.
Matilde Huerta. 21 de Junio del 2000


From: Xkp Cultural
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 18:22:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Saludos desde Aguascalientes, Ags.

Pedro Meyer,

El consejo editorial de la Gaceta Escape Cultural (Aguascalientes) está compuesto por personas cuyo interés está dirigido principalmente al área de la fotografía. El contenido de esta publicación está compuesto por temas asociados a la fotografía y otras disciplinas del arte, intentando mostrar un punto de vista fundamentado y actual. Uno de nuestros principales medios para la realización de la gaceta es mantenernos actualizados en cuanto al avance de la fotografía y la producción de imagen. Para cumplir con este rubro, la consulta en Internet es la fuente más recurrida por la mayor parte de los miembros y colaboradores de esta publicación. En este sentido, la página ZoneZero resulta de gran interés y ayuda, dada su amplia visión y cobertura sobre los aspectos que se refieren a una parte de lo conocido como arte electrónico. Antes que nada, queremos felicitar a usted y a su equipo de colaboradores por la labor que desempeñan.

Por otro lado, en cada publicación tratamos que los artículos vayan ligados, de alguna u otra manera, en cuanto al contenido. En el siguiente número está planeado tratar el tema de la fotografía digital. Además, es costumbre contar con la opinión o manifiesto de una persona conocedora del tema. Por esta razón, el consejo editorial de la gaceta, está interesado en que nos conceda una entrevista; y dada la distancia y disposición de tiempo, proponemos que ésta sea por medio de internet. Así mismo, proponemos que la fecha de la entrevista sea fijada en uno de los días en el período del 29 de mayo al 1o de junio y, de preferencia en horas de la tarde.

Esperando respuesta positiva y sin otro asunto que tratar, reciba un cordial saludo de sus amigos de XkpCultural.

Rosa Dávalos
Directora Editorial F


From: John Blanchard
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 17:03:25 -0700
Subject: Hello

I was refered to this page by my Digital Photography instructor Kurt Norlin who is master photographer and excellent teacher. Thank You for being here on the web and I look forward to using this site as a tool for my Education


From: santiago villaveces
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 00:34:40 -0200
Subject: solicitud de registro

Señores ZoneZero:

Mi nombre es Santiago Villaveces, tengo un doctorado en antropología y he estado muy interesado en temas de representación, imagen, y memoria, al igual que en autoritarismo, formación de estado y violencia política en latinoamérica.

Estoy bastante entusiasmado con la inmnesa variedad y riqueza de las páginas que han logrado montar en internet. En verdad es un proyecto de una riqueza e importancia inigualable. Hace unos años escribí un artículo publicado por The University of Chigago Press, sobre violencia , arte y representación (Art and Media-tion:Reflections on Violence and Representation, en George MArcus Ed, Cultural Producers in Perilous States). Me gustaría saber si estarían interesados en exhibir este trabajo en sus páginas. A la espera de poder subscribirme a su lista de correo,

Santiago Villaveces
Santiago Villaveces Izquierdo
Professor Visitante IFCH / PPCS - UERJ
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Rua Constante Ramos 164 /601. Copacabana 22051-010 Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil


From: "Tony Bridge"
Organization: Papanui High School
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 09:50:40 +1200
To: pedro meyer
Subject: Zone zero


Just a short note to thank you for such a wonderful site.

It has been a real joy to be able to visit it. One of the things I particularly enjoy are the articles in the magazine. I have visited a lot of sites in the course of looking for photography pages and the bulk of them seem to fall into the how-to category, or are relly opportunities for individual photographers to display their own work. Nothing wrong with that, for after all, most photographers are in that camp. But it is nice to be able to visit sites that are intellectually stimulating.

If photography is a journey then there must be waypoints. For my part, I feel my progress as a photographer and educator can be charted by the books I have purchased over the years. In the beginning I bought books on technique. That was. after all, what I needed to know ( and part of a self-generated myth that better technique would make me a better photographer. In fact all it did was give me...better technique


From: Harris Fogel
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 09:01:07 EST
Subject: Wonderful Site

Hi Pedro,

One of our faculty members, David Graham, alerted me to your site. Bravo.

It's wonderful! Very well done. Congratulations. It's been a long time since I've seen you. I hope that all is well.

Harris Fogel
Media Arts Department
The University of the Arts
Philadelphia, PA


From: ""
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 19:31:57 MST
Subject: Britannica Presents Internet Guide Awards

Dear Webmaster: is contacting you because our editors have selected your site as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability.

As a result, we would like to offer you the opportunity to join in the launch of our new link exchange program. This program will give you and other top quality sites the opportunity to add a Britannica search box to your site and there by provide your users with direct access to Britannica's awarding-winning content, including the trusted and authoritative Encyclopaedia Britannica.

The search box will be accompanied by an award, which will tell visitors to your site that Britannica editors have rated one of the most valuable and reliable on the Internet, in the company of an elite group of Web sites. You can choose to use the search box, the award or both. Most importantly, because each will open another browser window, your users will never have to leave your site to access Britannica content.

We know quality is always difficult to accomplish and maintain. Congratulations on being a selected member of the Britannica Internet Guide. We look forward to our growing association in the future.

The Staff at


From: Bob Cavenagh
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 10:31:35 -0500
Subject: Please register me

I am am also Bob (Robert) Cavenagh, Instructional Technologist and part-time teacher of conventional and digital fine arts photography at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA.

I was delighted to find the ZoneZero website; I have assigned it to my students and we will look at some of the work and articles in our electronic studio during classes.



From: Anne Williams
Reply-To: a.
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 12:05:42 +0100
Subject: zonezero

Dear zonezero,

I run the MA Photography at the London College of Printing. Your site is really useful to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Please add me to your mailing list.

With thanks

Anne Williams
Course Director
MA Photography of Media
London College of Printing
10 Back Hill


From: Ted Hartwell
Organization: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 13:39:40 -0500
Subject: Ted's trip to Cuba


It's been a long time since we've spoken, and I've been meaning to compliment you and your crew for producing and maintaing the ZoneZero website. It is exemplary! And it may very well be the best site of it's kind on the www - I recommend it to everyone in the field I talk to.

Our museum is heavily into producing or own interactive history of art programs - including photography, of course, and in fact you might like to see some of what we are doing by clicking on these two urls: and Hartwell

The Minneapolis Institute of Arts


From: "Ray Doyle"
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 06:52:25 -0500
Subject: RegisterI would like to register for zonezero.

As a retired history professor, I particluarly enjoy reading reading the editorials by Meyer and Hernandez. My one regret about retiring in 1995 was that I did not get the chance to fully incorporate the internet into my classes as I would have done if still teaching.

I really like the galleries as photography is my hobby. I have switched to digital camera for most things except shots requiring a long telephoto (180 to 400 mm).

Thanks for presenting a very useful and informative site.
Ray Doyle - West Chester, PA


From: Mario Bitt-Monteiro
Reply-To: Daniel Quevedo
Date: 10 Nov 99 17:21:53 -0300
Subject: Primer contacto- Bittmonteiro -UFRGS/BRASIL - 10/11/1999

Alo amigos.

Soy consultor de fotografia del Núcleo de Fotografia de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brasil. Yo y la mia equipe de estudiantes universitarios(Comunicacion, Artes, Fisica, Arquitectura, Biologia y de otras areas), estamos ferequentemente conectados com el site Zone Zero, y mucho lo apreciamos.

Queremos, si posible, participar eventualmente de muestras virtuales de fotografia, tanto analogica, cuanto digital, qui ustedes vengam a promover, o proporcionar, nel site de Zone Zero.

Ademas, queremos empezar contatos mas frequentes.

Mario Bitt-Monteiro
Coordenador del Núcleo de Fotografia-FABICO/UFRGS


From: Karin Wagner
Subject: register mailing list
Date: Wed, Oct 13, 1999, 2:44 AM


I am a doctoral student at the department of art history at Göteborg universitet in Sweden. My thesis is going to deal with digital photography.

"The digital caleidoscope - revolution or tradition?" is the title. I'm going to examine what kind of pictures that are made by some nordic photographers who are using digital technigue, and also make interviews with them. Zonezero was the first site I discovered when I started looking for digital photography on the net, and I think it is the most comprehensive and valuable site I have found sofar. I browse the gallery every now and then, and I have also read some of the editorials. I appreciate the site very much, and I hope you will keep going, adding new stuff as well as keeping the archives.

I have two questions: I would like to buy the CD-ROMs of Pedro Meyer, but I don´t find them on amazone. Where can I buy them?

The other question is more diffuse, it's about a series of photography I saw on the web a year ago. It's about people working in the computer business, maybe programmers in Silicon valley. When you go forward, you get the next picture as usual, but when you go backwards, you get the last picture in negative, and another text. Does this description ring a bell? I can´t find it again, and I think the series might be interesting from the point of view of narration.

Karin Wagner
Karin Wagner, doktorand 031-7732781
Konstvetenskapliga institutionen Fax nr. 031-7732790
Göteborgs universitet
Postadress: Box 200, 405 30 Göteborg
Besöksadress: Dicksonsgatan 2


From: "Frank Taliano"
Subject: great site
Date: Thu, Apr 15, 1999, 10:06 PM

This is my first time exploring zone zero. I am a photography student at UMASS/BOSTON and my teacher told the class about this website, I'm glad that she did. As a beginner I enjoy learning anything about photography that I can whether it's techinical info. or about photographers and their work and zone zero is a great find and easily accesible.

Keep up the good work and thanks!

Michelle Nadeau


Date: 12/21/98 2:24 PM
Received: 12/21/98 3:40 PM
From: Gordon West,
To: meyer pedro ( register),

Please register me:

Gordon WestI am a 4th year new media student at Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto (which I understand you visited a number of years ago--Don Synder says hello!). Anyhow, I find your site one of the best on the web, in its combination of photography and new media, very cutting edge, while also very respectful of classical techniques and issues. I have shared my opinion with a couple of hundred of my classmates, so you may see more registration!


Date: 8/21/98 4:17 PM
Received: 8/21/98 6:33 PM
From: james linker,
To: meyer, pedro:

I've enjoyed your publication and look forward to introducing my students to it as I begin a new experience teaching digital and traditional photography here at Montana State University.

Formerly I was subscribed as james linker I can now be reached at


Use every man after his desert and who shall `scape whipping?
Shakespeare, *Hamlet*
james alan linker
assistant professor of photography
montana state university, dept. of media & theater arts


Date: 8/6/98 5:10 PM
Received: 8/6/98 5:32 PM
From: Despacho de Diseño,
To: meyer pedro ( register),

Los felicito por este gran espacio que zonezero y en especial al señor Pedro Meyer,que tuve la oportunidad y el privilegio de oirlo en una ponencia en el V coloquio latinoamericano de fotografía

Sigan así,y muchas felicidades.

L.D.G. Raymundo Olvera Medrano
Coord. Despacho de Diseño de la Universidad del Noreste Tampico,Tamaulipas.


Date: 7/9/98 4:45 PM
Received: 7/9/98 7:18 PM
From: Louis Martinez,
To: meyer pedro ( register),

i enjoyed reading thru your magazine. I found it to be stimulating and entertaining as well. I am a spanish professor at Western New Mexico University in SIlver City New Mexico. i will definitely pass this website on to my friends and students.

luis martinez


Date: 6/11/98 8:51 PM
Received: 6/11/98 9:32 PM
From: Athanasios T. Seliotis
To: meyer pedro ( register),

I have just had a brief view of your web site. I read the article on The renaissance of Photography. I have to say I am very impressed with the quality of work I read. This article is more than the typical drivel I read about digital photography. I found the article so thought provoking I am going to recommend it be read by all my students in the Science and Society course I teach.

Athanasios T. Seliotis


Date: 11/24 7:16 PM
Received: 11/25 1:26 AM
From: Andrew Mendelson
To: meyer pedro ( register),

I teach photojournalism at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Your site is a great resource for teaching, showing students examples of top work in our field.

Thanks. Andy Mendelson


Date: 05/20 3:06 PM
Received: 05/20 3:13 PM
From: Santiago Correa,

Me llamo Santiago Correa soy de Argentina y vivo en S.Ortiz 531, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Soy fotografo y ademas doy clase en la Escuela de Fotografia Creativa de Andy Goldstein.

Saluda atte:



Date: 04/16 3:34 PM
Received: 04/16 3:37 PM
From: Michael Kuechel


I'm teaching optics and plan to give a photographic art course at the Fachhochschule at Aalen, Germany, may be, at the next semester. So I'm looking for good pictures and interesting exhibitions.

Your site is among the best I could found! Congratulations!


Date: 04/17 12:56 PM
Received: 04/17 1:08 PM
From: Bianca Floyd

My name is Bianca Floyd.

I am an editorial assistant for the Chronicle of Higher Education, in the Information Technology section.

I compile the Info Tech Resources listings of new software, books, videos, web sites, and listservs of interest to students and scholars in higher education


From: susan mackenzie,
Date: 04/18 8:51 AM
Received: 04/18 9:07 AM

hi I am a photo student at ga. state univ. in atlanta in the art dept.

i love yor site! it is so rich and inspiring. i am learning a lot from zonezero.

Thank you for your work . . . and for registering me. yours truly,

sqgorilla aka susan mackenzie


Date: 05/08 5:02 AM
Received: 05/09 9:52 AM
From: Este Pais

Mtro. Pedro:

He consultado la magnifica sección que usted dirige, y me parece que esta muy bien diseñada y que a todos los que sestamos interesados en el mundo de la fotografia, nos puede ayudar más de lo que pensamos, ya que ustedes se estan actualizando a diario, ya sea en su revista , en la geleria, en sus editoriales, etc.

Por otra parte quisiera comentarles que somos estudientes del sexto semestre en la Escuela Activa de Fotografía en Coyoacán en México, D.F. Actualmente estamos desarroyando una investigación sobre dos fotografos (Nan Goldin y Richard Avedon).

-Los datos que tenemos sobre Goldin es que es una fotografa americana contemporanea y hece dos meses aproximadamente publico en la revista Times, Y recientemente expuso en algun museo de New York. Uno de sus temas principales es sobre las mujeres y la violencia.

-Richar Avedon sabemos que trabajo para la revista Harpes Bazar por algún tiempo, así como tambíen se dedico a la foto de modas y de retrato.

Como pueden ver no tenemos mucha información sobre los fotografos y quisieramos pedirles su ayuda para saber donde podemos encontrar en este mundom del internet, información escrita y gráfica de la obra de los fotografos antes mencionados.

Por otra parte queremos quedar registrados en el maravilloso mundo de ZONAZERO.

Mil gracias por la atencion que nos presten.
Miguel Angel García Austria y Yazmin Perez.


Date: 05/10 7:23 PM
Received: 05/10 7:37 PM
From: Tristano Vercillo

Chris Plommer
26 St. Joseph Street
Suite 315
Toronto, ON M4Y 1K1

I am a Communications Technology High School Teacher, specializing in Photography with my students. I found your website's to be a great resource for my students. Keep it Strong!



Date: 05/13 1:14 PM
Received: 05/13 1:07 PM
From: Ing. Alejandro Silva Arroyo

Soy el Subdirector del Centro de Arte y Diseño, de la Universidad del Bajío. Dentro de nuestra escuela implementamos las licenciaturas en Diseño Gráfico, Industrial y Ambiental, por lo que considero importante tener noticias de Uds. para poderlas compartir con nuestros alumnos (en las tres licenciaturas se implementa la materia de fotografía). Espero consideren esto, para podernos registrar como uno de los asiduos lectores de su WebSite.

Exelente trabajo.

Ing. Alejandro Silva A.
P.D. Si requieren mas información de mi Universidad, por favor haganmelo saber

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